
Tuition & Fees

Registration - $150

Registration fee: This fee is non-refundable unless, for some reason, the school cannot accept the enrollment. Once paid, this fee guarantees a place for your child in our school unless enrollment is interrupted or the start date is postponed for longer than 2 weeks without notification.

Monthly Rates

3 Year Old - Pre-K

Full Day (7am-6pm)


2 Year Olds


(Monthly potty training fee $100)

Lunch Fee


We use an app/program called brightwheel to manage the entire school and that includes all billing and payments. You can chose to either pay through the brightwheel app or you are able to make a payment in person with check or cash. Checks should be made out to Kidz First Academy/LBFNaz.

Tuition payments are due on the first of the month and are considered late after the 5th and will incur a late fee.